Eva Longoria, the actress who plays Gabrielle Solis on the hit TV show Desperate Housewives has finalized her divorce with Tony Parker. Unlike most celebrities, she has remained fairly quiet about the whole affair and has not so far commented on her situation through her Twitter or Facebook accounts or by talking to the media.
Tony Parker, the San Antonia Spurs basketball player, and Eva Longoria had been married since July 2007 and had already survived a tabloid rumor that he was having an extramarital affair.
Eva Longoria had confirmed to her friend Mario Lopez, when she filed for divorce, that she had discovered a large number of text messages from another woman on Tony Parker's phone and believed that he had cheated on her before that with another woman that he kept in touch with on Facebook.
Eva Longoria, who has appeared in the movies Harsh Times, The Heartbreak Kid and The Sentinel among others, looks set to continue her role in Desperate Housewives for the moment and will appear in the movies Days of Grace, Without Men and Cristiada in the near future.
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